Questions? Contact us 1-855-4FINDEC
Questions? Contact us 1-855-4FINDEC

About Us

History | Values | Team

Who We Are

FinDec℠ provides comprehensive financial planning, wealth management, and workplace benefits consulting and related services. We pave the path for life’s financial journey, providing financial peace of mind along the way.

Core Values


Family is at the core of everything we do. FinDec was started by a family and builds on that legacy each and every day.


We put the needs of our clients first because we are honest financial advisors. We will never steer our clients in a direction that we know is wrong — our integrity informs how we communicate and advise our clients.

New Ideas

We believe in evolving to ensure that we’re providing clients the best possible advice and services. Things change and we stay ahead of the curve by putting innovation at the forefront of what we do.


The status-quo is simply unacceptable at FinDec. We’re determined to do the best by our clients.


Our founders were educators. Our firm was created with deep principles rooted in the value of education and that no one can take that away from another person. Education is the most powerful tool — whether it be in business or in life.


Clients are at the center of what we do: we have collectively created a community. This community drives our company forward — it allows us to do good. We are committed to giving back to the communities we serve. We are proud to be a part of something greater than ourselves.

People Strategy

Our Three Pillars

Our strategy is not based on one person or team but a collective. Through this collective we create a strategy using the strength of the people to create a platform that provides the ability for people to plan and save for retirement. Our Board of Directors, along with our C-suite, is committed to driving organizational development and future success for our clients.

Cups of Coffee Daily

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