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Market Volatility & Bonds

Market Volatility & Bonds

Stay Informed

Your update, here:

We know it’s hard to see your accounts fluctuate in value with the recent market swings, but rest assured we are navigating the markets based on prudent analysis. At FinDec, our clients’ portfolios are structured to provide for sustainable retirement withdrawals and to weather longer term market cycles, including downturns. We are looking forward and continue to adjust our portfolios based on economic conditions and our clients’ risk profiles.

Bonds are generally thought of as “safer” investments, compared to stocks, by most investors and are used to provide stability in investment portfolios. Current market conditions have led many clients to ask why they are seeing lower values on their bonds compared to their values at the start of the year.

You’ll want to make decisions that best fit your needs and situation. Make those choices with your eyes wide open. Our CEO and CIO recently teamed up to give an informed overview of the current state of the market. Tune into this 15 minute informational video to stay in the know:

Market Update

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Reach out to us at or call (209) 951.8956 and we’ll help you make an informed decision about what to do next.