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Questions? Contact us 1-855-4FINDEC

March 2021 Webinar, Employee Whole Life Insurance

Do you qualify?

Employee’s Whole Life is portable life insurance that will stay with you whether you change jobs or retire. Learn the ins and outs of the plans, what’s available to you, and how to enroll if you decide it’s a good fit for you.

Raquel Morris

Chief Operating Officer, FinDec

Raquel T. Morris is the Chief Operating Officer of FinDec and has been with the company since 2007.

She has spent her career flourishing at FinDec, helping and educating people every step of the way. When she sees the excitement or spark in a client or employees’ eyes — that aha moment — she internally feels that same happiness. She is personally passionate about anything that makes her better than she was the day before. That positive attitude has helped her in all facets of life, particularly in advancing through the FinDec leadership team to become the company’s COO.

Leading operations for the company, Raquel internally helps employees to become their best self for FinDec’s clients. She helps them work through both professional obstacles and any personal barriers so they can reach their highest potential.

There has been a consistent thread in her professional life, a kind of mantra for Raquel: Never give up. She has never allowed her gender or the color of her skin to deter her from achieving her dreams. Raquel knows who she is and what she deserves. She is also a fantastic motivator — she helps team members strive for success with a calm, yet assertive personality.

Raquel measures her achievements through both a personal and professional lens: One of FinDec’s pillars is family. Being a working mom to three daughters with a high-power position and married since 2006is a constant reminder of her achievements and perseverance. As she puts it, this life and career path is not for the weak!

Raquel holds a BA in public relations and a minor in communications from San Jose State. After receiving her MBA from National University in the fall of 2020 , she now has both the theoretical and practical training to successfully run a business. This focus has helped her marry her natural abilities with textbook knowledge.

She has always been a leader and a trailblazer. Now, Raquel gets paid to do what she loves.

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